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 Tüm Markalar  Siemens (5)  Keymile (1)


u28_1255773919.jpg NT1 + web
InterfacesU interfaceS0a/bUSB/V.24 for connection to ISDN network for connection of up to 8 ISDN devices for connection of a telephone or other analogue device for connection of a PC to the internet ISDN supplementary services CLIP, CLIR, COLP, CO...
u29_1255773956.jpg NT1 plus
ISDN-BA NT1 plus Interfaces U interfaceS0a/b for connection to ISDN network for connection of up to 8 ISDN devices for connection of a telephone or other analogue device ISDN supplementary services CLIP, CLIR, COLP, COLR, AOC-D, HOLD, CW, 3PTY, TP...
u30_1255773986.jpg NT1 split
InterfacesU İnterfaceADSLS0 for connection to ISDN networkline code 2B1Qtransmission range (withe noise) > 4.2km (0.4mm)for connection of an ADSL modemfor connection of up to 8 ISDN devicestransmission range > 220 m short passiv bus/ point-to-...
u31_1255774007.jpg NT1 ISDN BA
InterfacesU interfaceS0 for connection to ISDN networkline code 2B1Qtransmission range (withe noise) > 4.2km (0.4mm)for connection of up to 8 ISDN devicestransmission range > 220 m short passiv bus/ point-to-point > 1100 m Generalweightdi...
u63_1270536691.jpg NT1
Siemens NTBA (Network Termination Basic Access) Türk Telekom A.Ş. ’ den aboneye gelen ISDN BA / BRI hattının ucuna takılması gereken bir sonlandırma birimidir. Bu cihazin amacı Türk Telekom A.Ş.’ den 2 tel kablo üzerinden ...


u62_1270536181.jpg KEYMILE MODEM
TDM-Teknoloji Destek Merkezi, ISDN PRI uygulamalarınızda , Fiziksel ( BAKIR KABLO ) iletişim altyapılarında Keymile Modem cihazı ile sorunsuz çözümler sunmaktadır. KeyMile SHDSL modemler iki çifte telefon kablosu üzerind...




TDM Şubeleri Açıldı...
Virüslerden elektrik üretildi
Seagate 4TB'lık disk üretti
IEEE 802.22'yi Duyurdu
Her Hakkı Saklıdır (c) 2009. TDM Teknoloji Destek Merkezi