u88_1293459299.jpg Zadako Alarm
u55_1263917831.jpg ZadaCOM RS232 Modem
ZadaCOM modem presents a modern solution of mobile industrial connection.It supports EDGE technology which delivers the data transfer three times faster than GPRS.The installation is very simple, modem is ready to use after inserting the SIM card and...
u27_1255773798.jpg 3G WLAN router
The Wireless 3G Mobile Router (WMQ137) will offer users of wireless internet connection (HSDPA, 3G, EDGE, GPRS) Ethernet and WLAN access with their USB, PCMIA or Express data cards. The Wireless 3G Mobile Router will offer both consumers and smal...
u25_1255773670.jpg Z431R
Z431R is true wireless access router, supports WIFI and Ethernet gateway all in one device. It offers wireless broadband HSUPA connection with data rate up to 7.2Mbps downlaod and 2.1Mbps upload. On Local area Network (LAN), it supports both the wir...
u24_1299835867.jpg Gsm Alarm Dragon
DRAGON is a compact small alarm for end users. Thanks to its easy management through a single control button the user doesn´t need help of a professional installation company from security sector. DRAGON informs you about the unauthorized en...
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